I manufacture each of the parts that make up my knives myself in my workshop, I forge and temper my blades and springs, cut the materials, shape my plates and handles, assemble and polish to make you unique knives to which I bring the greatest care.
This freedom of not being dependent on a forge for my pieces allows me to create unique shapes and mechanics, it also allows me to carefully choose all the materials for my knives and especially the steels that make up my blades!
You can discover these details on the page of each of the knives that I offer you.
The mechanism of my knives is designed to be flexible, it locks the blade as it should in the open or closed position, but you would not be afraid of the blade closing on your fingers!
In addition, I integrated a blade-locking rivet into its design so the blade closes on a fixed point and not on the spring which moves with the blade, this prevents the blade from becoming dull on the spring and therefore allows to better maintain its edge.

New models will be added regularly with other materials for the handles and blades!
229 rue Saint-honoré 75001 Paris
RCS Paris 932592447